Aguapure, swimming in healthy, crystal clear water

Aguapure, swimming in healthy, crystal clear water

Aguapure by Aguabel
Carefree swimming 
starts with pure
swimming pool water

Carefree swimming with the whole family? That starts with crystal clear, healthy swimming pool water. An oasis of relaxation without the intrusive chlorine smell and taste, and other substances of the swimming pools of yesteryear? It is possible thanks to Aguabel's unique water disinfecting Aguapure technology!

Aguapure’s assets

Crystal clear and healthy pool water
Only the active substance is mixed with the swimming pool water, and all by-products of the electrolysis are blocked by the selective membrane and therefore never end up in the swimming pool water.

No eye or skin irritations
Eye and skin irritations are a thing of the past, as are allergic reactions to swimming pool water or an intrusive chlorine smell. Safety asset!

No corrosion
There is no salt in the pool water, so the water is not corrosive. Electrolysis is done with pure, cheap refined salt in the device itself.

Maintenance friendly
The fully automatic system works on the basis of pressure differences and gravity, resulting in low maintenance costs. Furthermore, salt needs to be added to the unit only sporadically.

Made in Belgium

The patented Aguapure system provides the purest form of water – of drinking water quality. Moreover, it is Belgian in and out!

about aguapure

Ready for a 100% clean dive?

For more information, contact your swimming pool builder.